Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

5 Software Bajakan Favorit di Indonesia

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan tingkat pembajakan terbesar di dunia. Dengan presentase hingga 85% pada 2008 lalu, mendapuk Tanah Air menempati posisi ke-12 secara global.
Mau tahu 5 besar software yang paling sering dibajak berdasarkan pengamatan Business Software Alliance (BSA):
1. Keluarga Microsoft
Sulit rasanya memungkiri ketergantungan pengguna komputer di Indonesia atau bahkan di dunia terhadap software buatan perusahaan milik Bill Gates ini. Sistem operasi Windows dan aplikasi perkantoran Microsoft Office merupakan dua software yang paling sering dibajak.
Diyakini Kepala BSA Indonesia Donny A. Sheyoputra, mulai dari pengguna komputer di perkantoran hingga rumahan telah bergantung kepada dua software Microsoft tersebut. Di luar Windows dan Office, ada pula Microsoft Visio yang dikatakan juga sering ditemui ketika digelar razia.
2. Adobe
Software-software keluaran Adobe juga dianggap cukup sering menjadi korban bajakan. Produk yang paling sering jadi korban adalah Photoshop. Aplikasi ini juga bak menjadi aplikasi edit gambar/foto wajib bagi para pengguna komputer Tanah Air.
3. Symantec
Untuk jajaran antivirus, Symantec dengan produk Nortonnya menjadi aplikasi yang sering dibajak. Symantec ‘bersaing’ dengan McAfee untuk menjadi software keamanan yang sering digunakan tanpa izin.
4. Autodesk
Meski termasuk aplikasi yang segmented alias hanya digunakan oleh kalangan tertentu tak membuat software keluaran Autodesk tak diminati oleh pengguna tak resmi. Donny mengatakan, software Autodesk tak hanya untuk mereka yang bekerja di industri desain seperti arsitektur dan pengembang bangunan. Namun juga bisa dipakai oleh perusahaan biasa untuk merancang tata letak peralatannya.
5. Corel
Sementara Corel juga menjadi aplikasi edit gambar/foto yang sering ditemui ketika razia digalakkan. Donny juga tak yakin, aplikasi yang ada di komputer-komputer sitaan tersebut digunakan semaksimal mungkin. ‘Yang penting instal saja,

Misi Bunuh Diri Pekerja Reaktor Nuklir

PESAN-PESAN memilukan dikirim para pekerja yang mencoba untuk mencegah bencana nuklir skala penuh di pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir (PLTN) yang bermasalah di Jepang. Pesan-pesan itu mengungkapkan, mereka tahu betul bahwa mereka sedang menjalankan misi bunuh diri.
Seorang dari mereka, yang disebut sebagaiFukushima Fifty, mengatakan, mereka menerima dengan tabah nasib mereka seperti suatu hukuman mati. Seorang yang lain, setelah menyerap dosis radiasi yang hampir mematikan, mengatakan kepada istrinya, "Tolong terus lakoni hidup dengan baik, untuk sementara saya tidak bisa pulang."
Tingkat radiasi di pintu masuk PLTN itu berada pada level yang akan langsung membunuh para pekerja atau menyebabkan mereka menderita penyakit mengerikan dalam sisa hidup mereka. Para ahli mengatakan, pakaian kedap udara yang mereka kenakan hanya sedikit bisa menghentikan paparan radiasi.
Harian Inggris, The Dailymail, akhir pekan lalu melaporkan, kelompok Fukushima Fifty (Limapuluh Orang Fukushima) itu tetap bertahan setelah 700 rekan mereka melarikan diri saat tingkat radiasi menjadi terlalu berbahaya. Identitas mereka belum terungkap, tetapi para ahli mengatakan, mereka sepertinya para teknisi garis depan dan petugas pemadam kebakaran yang sangat mengetahui pembangkit itu.
Diperkirakan, kebanyakan dari mereka adalah laki-laki paruh baya yang menjadi sukarelawan karena mereka sudah memiliki anak—pekerja muda mungkin akan menjadi tidak subur oleh dosis radiasi yang tinggi. Mereka disebut Fukushima Fifty, tetapi sesungguhnya kelompok itu berjumlah 200 orang yang bekerja empat shift secara bergiliran. Mereka bekerja untuk menghidupkan kembali sistem pendingin reaktor Fukushima yang rusak akibat hantaman tsunami.
Jumat lalu, pesan-pesan menyayat hati mereka kepada keluarganya dipublikasikan televisi nasional Jepang yang telah mewawancarai kerabat mereka. Seorang anggota keluarga mereka berkata, "Ayah saya masih bekerja di pembangkit itu. Dia mengatakan, dia menerima nasibnya, seperti sebuah hukuman mati." Seorang perempuan mengatakan, suaminya yang berada di pembangkit itu terus bekerja dan sepenuhnya menyadari ia sedang dibombardir radiasi.
Perempuan yang lain mengatakan, ayahnya yang berusia 59 tahun secara sukarela mengajukan diri untuk tugas di Fukushima. Ia menambahkan, sebagaimana dikutip Dailymail, "Saya mendengar bahwa ia secara sukarela meskipun ia akan pensiun dalam waktu setengah tahun dan mata saya jadi penuh dengan air mata. Di rumah, ia tidak tampak seperti seseorang yang bisa menangani pekerjaan besar. Tapi hari ini, saya benar-benar bangga padanya. Saya berdoa agar dia kembali dengan selamat."
Gadis lain yang ayahnya bekerja di reaktor Fukushima itu berkata, "Saya tidak pernah melihat ibu saya menangis begitu kencang." Dia menulis di Twitter, "Orang-orang di pembangkit itu berjuang, mengorbankan diri mereka untuk melindungi Anda. Semoga Ayah kembali dalam keadaan hidup."
Dari semua mereka yang bertahan di pembangkit itu, lima diantaranya diketahui meninggal dan dua hilang. Sedikitnya 21 orang lainnya terluka. Seorang pekerja perempuan yang mengaku bertugas di reaktor Fukushima Nomor 2 saat tsunami melanda telah mem-posting di akunnya di internet tentang apa yang terjadi.
Michiko Otsuki, yang sejak saat itu mencari perlindungan, menulis pada sebuah situs jejaring sosial Jepang yang diterjemahkan The Straits Times sebagai berikut: "Di tengah suara alarm tsunami pada pukul 03.00 pada malam hari ketika kami tidak bisa melihat ke mana kami pergi, kami terus bekerja untuk memulihkan reaktor-reaktor di tempat kami, yang berada tepat di tepi laut, dengan kesadaran bahwa ini bisa berarti kematian. Mesin yang mendinginkan reaktor itu betul-betul berada di tepi laut, dan hancur oleh tsunami. Setiap orang bekerja mati-matian untuk mencoba memulihkannya."
"Memerangi kelelahan dan perut kosong, kami menyeret diri kembali bekerja. Ada banyak yang belum dapat berhubungan dengan anggota keluarga mereka, tetapi menghadapi situasi ini dan bekerja keras."
Dr Michio Kaku, seorang ahli fisika teoritis, mengatakan kepada jaringan televisi AS, ABC, bahwa situasi telah memburuk dalam hari-hari terakhir. "Kami berbicara tentang para pekerja yang masuk ke reaktor itu mungkin sebagai misi bunuh diri," katanya.
Michael Friedlander, yang telah bekerja di manajemen krisis di pembangkit nuklir yang sama di Amerika, menambahkan, para pekerja mungkin makan ransum militer dan minum air dingin untuk bertahan hidup. "Di tengah rasa dingin, gelap, dan Anda melakukan hal itu sambil mencoba untuk memastikan Anda tidak mencemari diri Anda saat Anda sedang makan," katanya.
"Saya dapat memberitahu Anda dengan kepastian 100 persen bahwa mereka benar-benar berkomitmen untuk melakukan apa pun yang secara manusiawi perlu untuk membuat pembangkit itu berada dalam kondisi aman, bahkan dengan risiko hidup mereka sendiri."

Sumber : Kompas.com

Spesifikasi Kamera Digital Canon PowerShot G11 Terbaru 2011

Compact digital still camera with built-in flash, 5x Optical/4x Digital/20x Combined Zoom with Optical Image Stabilizer System
1/1.7-inch type Charge Coupled Device (CCD)
Total Pixels
Approx. 10.4 Megapixels
Effective Pixels
Approx. 10.0 Megapixels
Focal Length
6.1 (W) – 30.5mm (35mm film equivalent: 28 (W) – 140 (T) mm)
Digital Zoom
Focusing Range
Normal: 1.6 ft./50cm-infinity
Macro: 0.4 in.-1.6 ft./1-50cm
Autofocus System
TTL Autofocus
Optical Viewfinder
Real-image optical zoom viewfinder
LCD Monitor
2.8-inch TFT color, with wide viewing angle
LCD Pixels
Approx. 461,000 pixels
LCD Coverage
Maximum Aperture
f/2.8 (W) – f/4.5 (T)
Shutter Speed
15-1/4000 sec. (Total shutter speed range; settable in Tv and M)
Auto*, ISO 80/100/200/400/800/1600/3200 (Standard output sensitivity. Recommended exposure index. *Camera automatically sets the optimal ISO speed according to shooting mode and subject brightness. The ISO speed also varies according to subject movement and camera shake when the shooting mode is set to Auto.)
Light Metering Method
Evaluative*1, Center-weighted average, spot*2
*1 Facial brightness is also evaluated in Face Detect AiAF.
*2 Fixed to center or linked to the AF frame.
Exposure Control Method
Program AE, Shutter Speed-Priority AE, Aperture-Priority AE, i-Contrast, Manual; AE Lock, Safety Shift, Auto ISO Shift
Exposure Compensation
+/-2 stops in 1/3-stop increments
* Shooting standby only (Movies)
White Balance Control
Auto*, Daylight, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Fluorescent H, Flash, Underwater, Custom1, Custom2
*The color of faces is evaluated in Face AiAF
Built-in Flash
Auto, Auto w/Red-eye Reduction, Flash On, Flash On w/Red-eye Reduction, Flash Off; FE lock, Safety FE, Slow Synchro, Second-curtain synchro
Flash Range
1.6 ft.-23 ft./50 cm-7 m (W), 1.6-13 ft./50cm-4.0m (T)
Recycling Time
10 sec. or less (battery voltage: 7.4V)
Flash Exposure Compensation
+/-2 stops in 1/3-stop increments
Shooting Modes
Auto*1, P, Tv, Av, M, C1, C2, Low Light, Quick Shot, SCN*2, Movie
*1 Optimum image processing for each scene.*2 Portrait, Landscape, Night Snapshot, Kids & Pets, Indoor, Sports, Sunset, Night Scene, Fireworks, Beach, Underwater, Aquarium, Foliage, Snow, Color Accent, Color Swap, Stitch Assist
Photo Effects
My Colors
My Colors Off, Vivid, Neutral, Sepia, Black & White, Positive Film, Lighter Skin Tone, Darker Skin Tone, Vivid Blue, Vivid Green, Vivid Red, Custom*
*Adjustment of contrast, sharpness, saturation, red, green, blue and skin tone are available.
* Saving original image is not available.
* Not available with RAW setting.
Self Timer
Approx. 10-sec. delay/approx. 2-sec. delay/ Custom*1/Face Self-Timer*2
*1 Shooting start time (0-10 sec. (in one-second increments)) can be specified.
*2 When the number of detected faces increases, the shutter is released after 2 sec. delay. However, if no face is detected for 30 seconds or more, the shooting operation starts automatically.
Wireless Control
Not available
Continuous Shooting
Normal: approx. 1.1 fps; AF: approx. 0.7 fps; LV: approx. 0.8 fps (Large/Fine)
Storage Media
SD/SDHC Memory Card, MultiMediaCard, MMCplus card, HC MMCplus card
File Format
Design rule for Camera File system, DPOF (Version 1.1) compliant
Image Recording Format
Normal, Fine, RAW
JPEG Compression Mode
Still Image: Exif 2.2 (JPEG) RAW (CR2 Canon Original))
Movie: MOV (Image: H.264; Audio data: Linear PCM (monaural))
* Not compatible with AVI
Number of Recording Pixels
Still Image: 3,648 x 2,736 (Large); 2,816 x 2112 (Medium 1); 2,272 x 1,704 (Medium 2); 1,600 x 1,200 (Medium 3); 640 x 480 (Small); 3,648 x 2,048 (Wide); 3,648 x 2,736 (RAW); 1,824 x 1,368 (Medium*)
* Low Light mode

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011



INDONESIA : Kementerian Hukum Dan HAM
MALAYSIA : Kementerian Tuduh Menuduh

INDONESIA : Kementerian Agama
MALAYSIA : Kementerian Tak Berdosa…

INDONESIA : Angkatan Darat
MALAYSIA : Laskar Hentak-Hentak Bumi

INDONESIA : Angkatan Udara
MALAYSIA : Laskar Angin-Angin

INDONESIA : ‘Pasukaaan bubar jalan !!!’
MALAYSIA : ‘Pasukaaan cerai berai !!!’

MALAYSIA : Bersetubuh dengan bumi

INDONESIA : rumah sakit bersalin
MALAYSIA : hospital korban lelaki

INDONESIA : telepon selular
MALAYSIA : talipon bimbit

INDONESIA : Pasukan terjung payung
MALAYSIA : Aska begayut

INDONESIA : belok kiri, belok kanan
MALAYSIA : pusing kiri, pusing kanan

INDONESIA : Departemen Pertanian
MALAYSIA : Departemen Cucuk Tanam

INDONESIA : 6.30 = jam setengah tujuh
MALAYSIA : 6.30 = jam enam setengah

INDONESIA : gratis bicara 30menit
MALAYSIA : percuma berbual 30minit

INDONESIA : tidak bisa
MALAYSIA : tak boleh

MALAYSIA : tandas

INDONESIA : Satpam/sekuriti
MALAYSIA : Penunggu Maling


INDONESIA : Di aduk hingga merata
MALAYSIA : kacaukan tuk datar

INDONESIA : 7 putaran
MALAYSIA : 7 pusingan

INDONESIA : Imut-imut
MALAYSIA : Comel benar

INDONESIA : pejabat negara
MALAYSIA : kaki tangan negara

INDONESIA :bertengkar
MALAYSIA : bertumbuk

INDONESIA : pemerkosaan
MALAYSIA : perogolan

INDONESIA : Pencopet
MALAYSIA : Penyeluk Saku

INDONESIA : joystick
MALAYSIA : batang senang

INDONESIA : Tidur siang
MALAYSIA : Petang telentang

INDONESIA : Air Hangat

MALAYSIA : Belacan

INDONESIA : Pengacara
MALAYSIA : Penguam



INDONESIA : remote
MALAYSIA : kawalan jauh

INDONESIA : kulkas
MALAYSIA : peti sejuk

INDONESIA : chatting
MALAYSIA : bilik berbual

MALAYSIA : tak sihat

INDONESIA : keliling kota
MALAYSIA : pusing pusing ke Bandar

MALAYSIA : Kereta kebal

INDONESIA : Kedatangan
MALAYSIA : ketibaan

INDONESIA : bersenang-senang
MALAYSIA : berseronok

INDONESIA : bioskop
MALAYSIA : panggung wayang

INDONESIA : rumah sakit jiwa
MALAYSIA : gubuk Gila

INDONESIA : dokter ahli jiwa
MALAYSIA : Dokter Gila

INDONESIA : narkoba
MALAYSIA : dadah

INDONESIA : pintu darurat
MALAYSIA : pintu kecemasan

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Tourism Banjarnegara, From the Mountains Up River

Banjarnegara map
What comes to your mind when I heard about Banjarnegara. Mind you certainly will not be far away from dawet ayu and Reservoir Mrica. Yes, that's two things that became icons of the District who are in the middle of the Central Java Province.

Banjarnegara district wide. Consists of hills and lowlands on the banks of the river Serayu. Make this district blessed with a pretty good tourism potential. Tourism potential that spread from the river bank in Susukan Serayu up to the mountain peaks of Dieng.

Besides the two things that have been mentioned before, Banjarnegara have a variety of other tourism products. From the natural (natural), socio-cultural, until a man made ​​or man-made. All three became a unique collaboration that became the face of tourism Banjarnegara. Which is not owned Banjarnegara only beach. As Mr Bambang Sugiarto, S. Pd, M. Pd as the secretary of the Department of Tourism and Cultural District Banjarnegara, "maybe that is not owned by just a coastal Banjar yes", he said.

Nature tourism which became pre-eminent and most potent in Banjarnegara is the Dieng plateau. Perhaps many of you who think Dieng located in Wonosobo. It is not wrong, but some areas of the Dieng plateau are also in Banjarnegara. Located about 58 km from the center of Banjarnegara, this area can be reached about 1 hour trip by motorcycle.

Dieng is an area rich with historical relics, ancient relics and natural scenery is breathtaking. The air is still cool refreshing those who visit it. Dieng located at an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level. It has a cool air with an average temperature of 13-17 degrees Celsius, even in July and August temperatures can be below 0 degrees Celsius. So sometimes in the snow or rain down ice with a thickness of up to 5 cm. Kawsn attraction in the Dieng spread covering 50 square kilometers.

Regions obek Dieng has many interesting attractions to visit. The main tourist attraction in the Dieng area is the Arjuna temple complex. This complex consists of five temples that lined from north to south. At each temple is illustrated companion gods Shiva in each relungnya. Background Arjuna temple complex decorated so beautifully with herbs and sky blue carpet. At the Dieng temple complex is the Hindu heritage, because once Dieng area is part of the ancient Mataram kingdom.

Other temples besides arjuna include Bima Temple, Temple Gatotkaca, and Temple Dwarawati. Bima Temple was built with Indian-style architecture with the architecture. At each level there is a roof ornament called "Kudu statue. " Is the highest and largest temple area of ​​the Dieng plateau once considered the most magical. While the temple is located in the foothills Gatotkaca Pangonan. Having a distinctive form of kala raksas the grinning face with no lower jaw, and a engraving makara which distilior tendrils. The temple is another temple situated Dwarawati Paing Rotate diantaraa other temples. Founded on the hill boat. This temple is easily visited in perjann back from Bima Temple.

In addition to the temple complex, there are several craters that have unique characteristics. One of them is Sikidang crater, which is located not far from the temple complex arjuna. Crater Sikidang features very unique because kepundannya hole can move to another place like a deer. That is why it is called Sikidang. The crater is quite safe visited at close range or even from the lips of the crater though. Another crater is Sileri, water extract of this kawh white milk like leri (rice washing water), hence their name sileri. Besides the two craters diatsas, adal again Candradimuka crater. Occurs because the crater eruption Pagerkandang and cause the soil around the slopes ginung broke. This crater is considered to be fortunate that each one is used where the procession Ruwatan Suro. There is one more tourist attraction similar to the crater, which is well Jalatunda. This place is a crater volcano that erupted and eventually into wells with a depth of 100 meters.

Other objects that can be visited is Lake and Lake Balekambang Merdada. Merdada a former crater filled with water, sekaigus largest lake in Dieng. Sangt water was clear and blue color very stunning. Meanwhile, for those of you who like fishing, Lake Baekambang is a place you must visit. Here there are different types of freshwater fish. This lake merupakn former Dieng volcanic eruption thousands of years ago.

Other objects that can be visited is Lake and Lake Balekambang Merdada. MerdSelain it, there is also Kaliasa new museum was established about a year ago. "Museum kaliasa save many valuable ancient relics", said Mr Bambang. In addition to archaeological objects, the museum features a documentary on the history of Banjarnegara district.

Dieng Plateau become an attractive tourist destination for many people. Many foreign tourists who visited the Dieng datng as enchanted by its natural beauty and the cool air. There is one interesting phenomenon that occurs in Dieng, namely the existence of children dreadlocked often called "child beggars Dieng". Children are considered as surrogate parents believed that gods do not have rights over them before performing the process ruwatan

Nature tourism in Banjarnegara not only Dieng only. Shifted about 10 km from downtown, there's more natural wealth that is not less fascinating than Dieng, namely Curug Pitu. Why waterfall called Pitu, because here the waterfall has seven levels, which in Java seven languages ​​are pitu. With about 20 minutes away, you've arrived at this place. Facilities available at Waterfall view post Pitu, among others, trails, camping grounds and open stage.

Besides having the most amazing natural wealth, Banjarnegara also has a socio-cultural attractions. Among them dance, crafts, and special food. Banjarnegara native dances pretty much has been unearthed and developed. As of Wanayasa Jepin Dance, dance Aplang from Kaliwungu, Mandiraja. These dances used to be monotonous, but after modified in such a way, this dance has a sell value and interesting to watch.

Even recently, dance and Dance jepin Aplang included in the rate of Traditional Arts Festival at Borobudur, Central Java Province. And successfully obtained several awards. Jepin dance champion 3 and the entourage champion 1. Aplang steal Dance Champion 1, while other art that also included the Kuda Lumping won the Champion 1 and 2. Also pad October 18 Aplang Dance and Performing Arts Dance Jepin follow Nusantara in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. In addition to the above second dance, also displayed Gambyong Dance, Dance Dawet Dalang Jemblung and Ayu.

With the success that has been achieved above, the arts can memilii higher selling value. And could be developed as a valuable tourism asset. With kemasaan better it will attract tourists to see the arts.

Other than the dance is artistic handicrafts Batik. Batik Crafts in Banjarnegara located in District Susukan, precisely in the Village Gumelem. Perhaps not many know about this batik. Gumelem batik is in the stage of development into rural tourism. Gumelem batik is a home industry and is built from the Department of Culture and Tourism. Batik gumelem still using the technique of writing, not to use the cap technique. So the quality and the quality is reasonably assured. If you want to buy batik with typical style, stop to Gumelem.

Socio-cultural products is another typical food. The most typical and well known people certainly Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara. These drinks are easily found all over the Banjarnegara. With a distinctive taste and exist only in Banjarnegara, this drink as a trade mark of Banjarnegara. Another typical type of food when there are many, such as the Red guava juice, Pondoh, Mushroom Chips, Carica, and Purwaceng.

Salak Pondoh production center located in districts and sub ​​Sigaluh Madukara. Salak pondoh Banjarnegara quality is very good and has been recognized by many people. Carica and Purwaceng is the original product and is only in the Dieng, there is no elsewhere. Carica-shaped sweets, the material is essentially a fruit like papaya carica only smaller, for star fruit, usually packaged in a bottle.

Purwaceng a medicine to restore and boost energy, and sold only in the Dieng only. Derived from natural plant material, usually made ​​in the form of powder. Drinks inimenjadi trade mark Dieng. If a visit to the Dieng without bringing purwaceng as souvenirs.

As for man-made attractions, Banjarnegara has three attractions. The first and be seeded is Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park and Reservoir Mrica and the last is Anglir Overcast.

Wildlife Recreation Park Serulingmas located not far from the town of Banjarnegara. Only 5 minutes it takes to achieve it. Serulingmas established around 1998, and has eleven years as a pride Banjarnegara. Serulingmas merupkan the only zoo in Central Java that having an official permit from the government. This place has entered institutions for the empowerment of endangered species conservation. Serulingmas is an attractive recreational premises of different animals including African lions, Bengal tigers, crocodiles, elephants, orangutans, deer, kangaroos and many species of birds and monkeys. Harmonious blend of flora and fauna make this place as a place of family recreation comfortable, cool and can be used as a means of education. There is also a kind of kids games, open stage, a swimming pool with international standard facilities and outbound. Each month, a lot of visitors especially from outside the area who travel to the TRMS Serulingmas.

Mrica Reservoir is the longest dam in Southeast Asia. This Serayu River Reservoir dam and a power plant for Java and has a power capacity of electric tenag reached 184, 5 Mega Watt. Sightseeing mrica reservoir offers a variety of tour packages around the reservoir of water such as boating, rowing and fishing. There is also a kids game arena, open stage, and the golf course with 8 holes. Hany unfortunately, today the dam as if no longer attractive to most people, so that the reservoir mrica slow growing.

While Anglir Cloudy located about 18 km from the town of Banjarnegara. This cool climate region surrounded by protected forest that can be used as wisat m hunting and cross country. Facilities available include swimming pool with crystal clear mountain springs original, children's playground, teenagers lodging, and campsite that can accommodate 200 tents. The road to this area of ​​the winding with the natural beauty of the panorama of hills, fields, rivers and forests.

In addition to natural products, social culture, and man-made, in Banjarnegara there is one more tourist attraction called the special attractions of rafting enthusiasts in Serayu River, called Serayu Adventure Indonesia. Berawaal than just a hobby, a group of young people who are very interested in the world of adventure rafting, camping outbound and eventually try to develop and manage it as a business professional. Sport tour is located in River rafting and memebelah Serayu Banjarnegara Regency area along the 12 km. Basecamp is available at the Village Singomerto, sub Sigaluh. Usually starting from the Village Tunggoro start, leading to the village Singomerto. There are various peket rapids that vary depending on the distance traveled. Facilities provided include welcome drink, meals, guides, certificates, insurance and rafting equipment.

Serayu River rafting has a fairly high level of difficulty. Jeramnya difficulty reaching Grade 3 +. River Rafting Tours Serayu good enough to get attention from tourists. Because of its superiority once was asked by the government Serayu as the location of Arum Jeram National Championships in 1997 and National Championships in 2007. With the level of difficulty that is owned, Serayu excel as best as the owner of cascade flow among the rivers in Central Java.

Even in 2010, Serayu to host the world championship level rafting titled Australiasian Champ 2010. Which took place in April. All the above new products partially wista in Banjarnegara. There are many other attractions that potential, but not yet developed to the fullest. To support it required commitment from all parties involved in the tourism world.

That part of the picture on the world tourism in the district of Banjarnegara. For those of you who love the beauty of nature, they can visit Dieng or Curug Pitu. Meanwhile, art enthusiasts can impose his choice on the tour such as dance and batik art. For those of you who want a more adventurous and adrenalin pumping high-level, do not miss Serayu River Rafting.

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