Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Computer Processor Name Change

      On tips computer tricks this time I will tell how to change the name of the computer processor, for example from Intel ® Pentium ® III Processor became Intel's Core i7-975 Extreme. Here's how.

* Open your registry, by clicking [Start].
* Select [Run].
* Type [Regedit], click [Ok].
* Once the registry opens, go to sub-key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ HARDWARE \ DESCRIPTION \ System \ CentralProcessor] or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ HARDWARE \ DESCRIPTION \ System \ CentralProcessor \ 1], which could be anywhere.
* Once you enter the sub key and look for [ProcessorNameString].
* Once you've found please double click.
* Then it will open a window [Edit String].
* In [Value Data] insert name of your desired processor.

* When finished click [OK] and close your windows registry.

To see the results, right click on the icon in [My Computer], then click [Properties]. You will see the name of your processor has changed in the tab [General] section of [computer]. However, this manipulation can only be seen in My Computer properties and can not be viewed in the [Run]>> [dxdiag].

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